Thursday, October 23, 2008

Assignment-5 LIGHT

I really enjoyed this assignment but it was harder than the last one because you had to find light that was good and even though it was everywhere, it was hard to find good ones because you had to set it up sometimes but most of the good ones came from natural light. I found a lot of them just by sitting there getting bored or walking around. All the good ones I took were taken when I wasn't thinking about it too much, just letting it be. I really like the first photo a lot because there's not a distinct foreground or background. It could be seen as a table or anything else. I like how it's a little abstract. I didn't even think of taking a photo like that. I was just sitting in my parents' car and as they drove down Highland Dr. I saw the light shine through the sunroof like that and it was beautiful. I was lucky that they just happened to bring my camera in the car or else I would have missed it. During this assignment there were so many times when I was like oh that's so beautiful but crap I don't have my camera! I was so mad! The second photo was in my bathroom. I was just running out of ideas for the assignment last night and I was getting worried, so I started walking around my house looking for good things to take pictures of. I went into my bathroom and I just remembered that there was that window there so I took it at a couple of different angles. I like how the light is on the top and that there's contrast in the photo. I like how you can see the depth from the lines of the angles of the thing leading to the window. The two also are acting as leading lines bringing you to the brightest light. The third one I didn't think would be that good but it turned out pretty good. I like how the rug separates the reflection and the real thing. I took it when I was standing there taking pictures of other things also. I like the brightness of the light. The fourth one with the nighttime was taken accidentally. I was holding the flashlight turned on under my chin and I went in front of the camera without covering the flashlight and I came back without covering the flashlight so since the flashlight was under my chin it emphasized my head. This is why it looks like my head is floating and you can barely notice my body being there. I love the floaty effect. I actually don't like the fifth one as much. I don't think it's as strong as the other pictures. The stuff in the background seemed distracting and the composition just doesn't seem right. I like the contrast and the lighting but not the composition. I don't think much about that one. Haha.

1 comment:

Dahl said...

I swear, that first picture looks just like the prism off of the cover of Dark Side of the Moon. It's pretty sweet.