Thursday, October 30, 2008

Assignment-6 PORTRAITS

I really enjoyed this assignment because it was really fun. It wasn't easier or anything, but it was fun taking pictures of other people because I had many jokes and laughs with them. My mom and I kept joking around and laughing while we did ridiculous poses and did ridiculous jokes. For my self portraits, my mom had to stand in place of where I wanted to be and then I would adjust the white balance and lighting and the view from the camera. Then she would stay there and I would go over and pose where I asked her to so it would look the same or I would tell her what part of her body was where in the screen of the camera. Then she would come back and snap the photo. We did all this with a tripod. For the first photo of Zephani Huang, we went over to her house during lunchtime on Wednesday because she lives off of 9400 S. so it's really close. I snapped photos of her and she had this cool scarf so I asked her to wrap it around like that and only show one eye for emotion. I really like how it's upclose and only shows her face and hands and the scarf. It's very mysterious. The second picture, I was trying to have a Hollywood essence about me. More of a 1960's and earlier time so I put on red lipstick and lined my eyes with black liner. I tried to portray different sides of Hollywood in the assignment. I did girly, mean, and classy. The black dress is my mom's and I barely fit in to it. I really like this photo because how the dress is spread out is so girly and classy and how it's an black dress with red lips. The third photo is me trying to be Cleopatra. I didn't have the exact white dress and the gold accessories and headdresses, but the details and the eye makeup tells the story. I wanted to show that Cleopatra could be mean and have control. I really like how close the photo is and how it shows the details of the headress and the eye makeup. It really shows emotion even though it's just through the eyes. The fourth photo is of my mom and I took it of her and her reflection in the mirror. I love reflections. I think they're awesome! I like the expression on her mouth how it's different than regular ones. I like how the reflection is looking back at the viewer rather than herself. The fifth photo is of my mom and I took it while she wasn't paying attention that I took it of her. This way it would be blurry and more natural in action rather than posed. She was in the middle of getting ready of a pose and I snapped it. She didn't know which made it even better. I like how it's blurry so there's several images of herself looking ghostly around her. The whole thing is blurry yet clear because it's literally blurry but you can still tell what's going on. I am really starting to freak out about my final portfolio! I haven't started it yet! I'm really really x 100 starting to worry.

1 comment:

Mr. Patteson said...

Annie, there are some nice shots here. I really like the first one as a portrait, and the one of you in the dress is a very elegant fashion shot. The Cleopatra one is very cool but I wish the lighting was better. Some of the images from your Light assgt are also excellent.