Thursday, October 9, 2008

Assignment-3 EMOTION

This assignment was really fun but a little harder because it was hard to get good ideas and take pictures of things that really expressed emotion but in a creative fun way. The first picture with the hat and the lips I took just yesterday and I really like that one because you can see the expression through just one part of the body and you can tell it's happiness. It tells a clear story through the lips. I also really like the one with the light shining through the gate as lines with a person in the back because I was trying to express hope. It seems as if the person is looking to the lines to the light for help to get hope. The flower I really liked because it expressed love and it was really up close showed the details of the flower with light shining in between its petals. I really love it. The one with the three cats was just fun because it showed a different kind of love: family love. I really like it because it's a more direct way of showing it and it makes me laugh because it's a fun photo. When I took the apple in the blankets one, I didn't think it would be a good photo, but somehow Mr. Slade really likes it. Haha. I can tell it's more creative than my other ones though and it shows love but with a different kind of thing. That's why I like it, because it's different.

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