Thursday, October 16, 2008

Assignment-4 HERO ANGLE

I really enjoyed this assignment because I thought it was really cool to photograph things from a different perspective and see simple things differently. This assignment went really well and I thought it wouldn't because I barely got it done last night, but it ended up being pretty good. The shoes picture I really like and I thought of it last minute. It was the last picture in my assignment and I thought it would be different from my other pictures. You can still tell that it was photographed low but instead of doing things that were already in nature, I set it up this time using myself and instead of taking a traditional feet straight up and in front I decided to slant my feet and pull one of my socks down. I took the next one of my back porch during the day it snowed. It was really cold and I was wearing snowpants and a snow jacket having barely just finished breakfast. I was laying half down on the ground and freezing but I really like it because you can tell that it's low because it looks just barely over the porch. The tire one you can tell is low because there are the trees in the background telling you it's low and because the tire is obviously touching the ground and is the same height as how I took the photo. I like that one because there's not too much ground in front of the tire but there's not too little and there's light and shadows from the tire to the side. I like the line in the cement because it's very simple and it's obvious that I took it low. It's simple but it does and finishes all the work. It makes a strong image even though there's only one thing in the photo. The road one was where my driveway slanted down and the road was a bump up. I was sitting down right after I took the one with the line in the sidewalk and I saw that I thought it would be good. It turned out really nicely and you tell it's low because of the background and the road itself. That one is one of my favorites.

1 comment:

Dahl said...

I like the tire one. I think that cars make good subjects.