Friday, September 26, 2008

I really love these Rodney Smith photographs. I got the more forest one at and I got the more castle one at I really like those princess-y girly photographs and how it makes me feel I'm in wonderland or a land where everyone lived and looked like this. I really brings out my fantasizing feminine side. I am a really girly person and these types of photographs really capture my eye. I also really like the lighting Rodney Smith used. I like how in the forest one he cast the light from a more emptier height and cast it through the trees making it look like fresh morning sunshine with fairies fluttering by or something like that. The way he makes the woman match the forest sunshine look really completes it like it's in a different world. I also like the lighting in the castle palace one with the light slanting down from the big tall windows and how her reflection is in the mirror in the back. I just can't describe how much I love these photographs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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