Thursday, November 6, 2008

I shot this photo for my assignment just yesterday when it snowed. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get a good photo before the snow melted. I really like this photo because it makes me feel so delicate and breakable, like someone could shake and break me in one second. I like how you can see the details of the leaf and the droplets of water or melted snow. The litte piece of snow hanging off the leaf makes me feel so vulnerable also. I was really happy I got this shot because I don't think you can get another one like it. Water moves and it doesn't stay permanent so I took the chance to get it. This assignment was very stressful for me because it was one photo but after I took it I just felt so relieved that I got it over with.


Dahl said...

I like it. Nice colors.

Sasa said...

i like the clarity of the raindrops.

gentlemen said...

this is such a beautifull shot!
the water looks so calm and peacfull and the color of the leaf is amazing