Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Final Project

These are two more of my photos from my final project. The first one is from a part of the city hall of Salt Lake City and I originally had it not zoomed in as much but Mr. Slade told me to crop it and it looks way better. The detail is seen better and the uniqueness is seen better without all the stuff around it. I love the simplicity and color of it. It's just two colors and not too many colors. The one on the right is of the capital building and I love the angles and the shapes it takes, how it slants and then suddenly there's a dome. I also like the style of the architecture. I love how ancient it looks even though it's not. I love the shape and style!

1 comment:

Slade said...

This project is interesting. I am left feeling like you took a lot of 'safe' photographs. Although they are composed and exposed well, there aren't any where I am emotionally satisfied. Nothing is really grabbing me and making me say 'wow'.

I would have liked to see you shoot more of these at different times of the day, maybe even some at night to see what type of lighting they might have used.

I do like many of them and I think you did do a good job of finding those things that make these buildings interesting.