Monday, May 18, 2009

Final Project

These are some of the photos from my final project. I wanted to show a different view of buildings and architecture. I wanted to show the part of the building that was unique and different. The first one is of the Salt Lake Library with another metal structure by it. I thought it was really cool how the slanted edge of the library differs with the roundish shape of the structure by it, how the structure dips down. I love the shape of it. It's a simple combination but it's so much. The second one is of the library also but it's another view of it. I saw that little window sticking out and usually windows aren't that shape so I thought it was simple and unique. I didn't want the photo to be all that color so I added some sky into it to make the shape interesting. I like how the side of it slants down instead of being straight. The window isn't symmetrical and I really like that because it's not perfect but it's unique. The third one is of the Salt Lake City city hall and it's the bottom side of one of the sides. I love how the it's round closer to me and how the building slants out in the back. I love the differing shapes. I also really like the texture of the rock and how cool it can be when you sharpen it up. If it was just plain it wouldn't have been as cool and unique. I like the reflection in the window because it would have made the picture more plain without it. The green at the bottom adds to the photo also because it creates a contrast between the green and the yellowy color of the stone.

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