Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I love this photo by Irving Penn because of it's simplicity but it's uniqueness. I got it at http://joephoto.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/07/04/irving_penn_07.jpg. I think he took this for a Vogue magazine cover. I like the expression of the lady with the red lipstick and the serious expression. She seems hidden and mysterious with her eyes glaring to the other side and her face being concealed with a net. How she's dressed in black and white shows off that quality as well. I love the retro look of this woman and the simpleness of color. It's just black and white but it shows so much. I like how the black bow around her neck is slanted so it kind of balances both sides of her and is more unique than traditional.I love it. The scarf around her neck is a little abstract because I couldn't tell if it was a scarf or a shirt she was wearing.
I really like this photo by Garry Winogrand and I got it at http://www.vam.ac.uk/images/image/41132-large.jpg. I really like the light cutting through like scissors with the shadows of the ladies' feet in between. I like how you can immediately tell that they're the subject of the photo because of the light and how they seem to match with their hair and shoes and dresses. The man in the wheelchair on the left contrasts in this photo because everything seems sunny and glorious and happy and people are doing things. He seems so restricted and unhappy and not able to live like everyone else. He seems real though because everyone else seems materialistic: the women have their dresses and shoes and purses and the other people have cars and buses and other things.

A Day In the Life of Apples #1

These photos I already have descriptions of on another post.

The Day In the Life of Apples #2

The first photo I wish I could have retaken because it's a little blurry with camera shake probably. I really like the down to high perspective like the hero angle perspective. I like how small the apple is compared to the car and you could see the tire and the length of the car and its height. This photo was kind of hard to take because I had to lay down on the cold hard cement of the garage and it hurt my back and then I had the tripod laying on top of me and I was trying not to move and everything. The second photo I already have descriptions of. The third one I like how cute it is and how I just happened to have a little backpack, but I don't like how the red apple kind of blends in with the carpet. This was a nightmare to color balance because of the red carpet. The next one I really like because it shows that apples like to watch TV also, like us. I like how the dad apple is trying to press the remote control with his non existent fingers. Haha. It was hard to color balance because of the shadows and the silver of the control. The next one with the mom apple typing at work could have been a good photo but I focused the wrong thing. I wanted the apple in focus not the laptop. I like it though because it shows that she's working and trying to get it done. I like the simpleness of it and how you could see that it was a keyboard or something from a laptop.

The Day In the Life of Apples #3

The first one I like how the lines are all neat and together on the planner and how it kind of leads to the apple even though it's not in the center of the image. The shadow was really hard to color balance because it kept appearing really really green. I like how the photo is simple but how there's complexity of words but they're all simple and neat. The red pops out of all the gray and white. The flute one I already wrote a description on. The three apples I could have retaken and used a less colorful couch in my house. The background kind of fights with the apples and it's too much color. The apple on the left reminds me of soap for some reason because of its shape from the top. Haha. I could have shot this one better and ti's not my favorite one. The next one I think shows the closeness of family life and how close families can get in small close situations like this. I love the action of how the dad is tucking her in. I like the color and the snugglyness of the photo. I like the next one because the sheets are so crisp and white. It actually didn't take me that long to color balance it. I like how the apples really pop and stand out against the white. I purposefully made their stems go against each other so it would look like they're facing each other even though they didn't have faces. It shows the love and snugglyness and the comfort of being around each other. I love how simple it is and how simple the colors are.

Monday, November 17, 2008

#6 in my Final Project

Technically this photo is supposed to be the last one but blogger won't let you add more than 5 photos to a new post. This is after school when the daughter apple is playing its flute and practicing its instrument. This was a hassle to do because the white would not color balance. I like how the apple is tilted on the flute rather in a more traditional straight standing up position. It's so cute and it makes me feel serious and concentrated like I'm getting something done.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Final Project: A Day In the Life of the Applebaums

This is my final project and it's a day in the life of apples. I called them the Applebaums. It's kind of cheesy but it's cute and I like it. That's all that counts. Haha. The first photo is of the daughter of the apple couple sleeping in her flowery cute sheets. I really like it because the apple creates color within the white sheets and pillow. It also makes me feel really snuggly and cute. I also like it because it makes me feel safe and loved like I'm protected. The second photo is of the same apple on the toilet. I really like it because it shows the proportion of the toilet to the apple. It shows how much of a struggle it is just for it to be able to go to the restroom. I love the red it gives to the photo which is mostly white. This shows how difficult an apple's life is if it were really alive. I love how bright I got the white because it is the most difficult color to color balance. I hate white! The third photo is of the mom apple showering and I wanted to show something proportionate to the apple so I thought a real shower would be too big in proportion to the apple and the sink would be better. It shows that just because it's apple doesn't mean it doesn't like to be clean. I really like you can see the water bounce off of it like a real shower. The next one is of the father apple by the sink ready to wash his face and brush his teeth, getting ready for the day. I like how it shows the action and what he's about to do instead of showing something else. It shows the thing with the apple being the subject rather than the sink or something else. I really like how it's simple and there's not too much going on. The background foreground relationship is pretty good. There's no fighting going on. The next one is of the Mom apple driving to work. She works at Louis Vuitton and she's one of the head and major people there. I wanted to show her work and status and salary based on the car she drove so I wanted to show the leather. I like how it shows how small the apple is compared to the seat. It shows the difficulty it has to go through to be able to drive a car, something as simple as that. It's on the seat getting ready and it shows that life is hard for it despite all the other things it has like a good job and a stable life.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I really like this photo by Dorothea Lange and I got it at http://www.ibiblio.org/channel/shack.gif. I like it because the people really do live there and they really are poor. It's not something posed because if it was then the emotion and the rest of the photo wouldn't be as real because regular people wouldn't get the same feeling as the people living here. The old house is gorgeous in its own way. It seems heartwarming like the feeling you get when you know everyone in your school and your neighborhood. I like how the shingles on the roof are all different shades and I like how the people are just sitting there lounging. I like how it's black and white because it adds to the feeling of the photo.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I really like this image by Harry Callahan and I got it at http://www.masters-of-photography.com/images/full/callahan/callahan_detroit.jpg. I really like how blurry it is on purpose. How all the cars going by on the street were taken at a long exposure time. What I don't understand is how the building is blurred because buildings don't move. It's a really cool picture also because it's all old cars. I love how all the cars aren't lined up exactly together either because that makes it so there's cars all over the photo which makes it really neat and unique. This is a cool photo.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I shot this photo for my assignment just yesterday when it snowed. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get a good photo before the snow melted. I really like this photo because it makes me feel so delicate and breakable, like someone could shake and break me in one second. I like how you can see the details of the leaf and the droplets of water or melted snow. The litte piece of snow hanging off the leaf makes me feel so vulnerable also. I was really happy I got this shot because I don't think you can get another one like it. Water moves and it doesn't stay permanent so I took the chance to get it. This assignment was very stressful for me because it was one photo but after I took it I just felt so relieved that I got it over with.