Thursday, May 21, 2009


I pass by the site of this construction every week and I never really notice it. To me, it was just there, it was something I passed by. I never really paid attention to it until I really got up close to it. I was looking for a cool panorama to shoot and I passed by the crane and the color and the height really got my attention. The one by it, which was black actually didn't catch my eye because it blended in and was normal. I loved it so I shot it and I was hoping it would turn out well, turns out it's one of my best panos. I love how the bottom of it is disproportionate because it adds to the photo, it's one little weird thing that you just have to notice. I would always go to the same old places to shoot, the park, my house, other people's houses, etc. and I really wanted to find new places, places that were hidden to me before. I wanted to find places that I had never shot before and I succeeded. I've realized through this that sometimes, the coolest photos are never in the places you expect them to be. They're in the most normal places boring places, but the photos turn out awesome because it's not something everyone shoots. People would usually be like, what is cool about this place? It's just a crane and there's nothing that cool about it, but there is. This photo is one of those. Before I found this crane, I was feeling frustrated that I couldn't find something good enough to shoot and when I saw this, the frustration didn't go away that fast, but there was a happiness in me. I think the crane shows my emotions from then, it's a red and it's successful and a great photo but the hard metal texture of the crane and its strength shows the little bit of frustration left in me at the time. I think the reason it's good is mainly because I was shooting how I felt and it somehow just came to me naturally rather than me trying to search everywhere for something that didn't fit.

Final Project

This is more of my final project, apparently the last post wasn't the last of it. The first one is of a business building and there was a walkway between that building and another and the white in the photo is that walkway. I thought it would look so cool if I intersected the building and the walkway and the contrast of the colors is so great that it makes it the focus. I love the simplicity of the 3 colors and it's unique but it's so simple. The second one is of, I think, a restaurant, but I don't really remember what it is because I can't really tell what it is. I love how it's abstract even though you know it's a part of a building, you can't tell what part it is. I love how the yellow stands out against the blue and the purple. The shape and intersection of lines is also really interesting. The third one is of Bajio's. The side of the restaurant had these cool lines so I really wanted to take it. I love the shadows on one side and how it's light on the other side. The contrast is cool and I also love the sharp corners, the shape of it is awesome. It's simple, yet different.

Final Project

These are my last photos from my final project. The first one is of the movie theater near my house and I loved the rectangular shape of the building with the rounded edge of the lower roof. It was a big contrast but it was totally cool. The color is similar too but it's still different enough to show the contrasts between shape. The second one is of the same movie theatre and I loved the layers of the signs and the lines and color of it. It's so unique and I love the layers how it creating different shapes and designs. I've wanted to shoot this sign for a year and I finally did it. Haha. I love the contrast between the red letters and the yellow back. The third one is of a business place and I loved the zigzag pattern of the building on top because usually buildings aren't zigzag, they're flat or rectangular. It's a simple shape but it's so unique, I love it. I love how the zigzags aren't all the same too, like when one of the places it caving in the layer below it is jagging out, so it makes it not too symmetrical. The fourth one is of another business building. There was a straight line going up and so I just stood close to the base of the building and looked up to take it. My first shot of it was too close and you couldn't see any details so I backed up a little and it was a lot better. I really like the symmetry and the intersecting lines. Sometimes symmetry is boring, but because of the cool lines and different colors, it's interesting. I like the gold on either side and it doesn't coincide with the other colors or take away the attention, it adds to the building.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Final Project

These are two more of my photos from my final project. The first one is from a part of the city hall of Salt Lake City and I originally had it not zoomed in as much but Mr. Slade told me to crop it and it looks way better. The detail is seen better and the uniqueness is seen better without all the stuff around it. I love the simplicity and color of it. It's just two colors and not too many colors. The one on the right is of the capital building and I love the angles and the shapes it takes, how it slants and then suddenly there's a dome. I also like the style of the architecture. I love how ancient it looks even though it's not. I love the shape and style!

Monday, May 18, 2009

JSTOR: marxism vs. maoism not leninism not stalinism not fascism number 19 starting pg. 184, maoism and marxism not fascism not leninism and check article #8, #9 starting pg. 165

Final Project

These are some of the photos from my final project. I wanted to show a different view of buildings and architecture. I wanted to show the part of the building that was unique and different. The first one is of the Salt Lake Library with another metal structure by it. I thought it was really cool how the slanted edge of the library differs with the roundish shape of the structure by it, how the structure dips down. I love the shape of it. It's a simple combination but it's so much. The second one is of the library also but it's another view of it. I saw that little window sticking out and usually windows aren't that shape so I thought it was simple and unique. I didn't want the photo to be all that color so I added some sky into it to make the shape interesting. I like how the side of it slants down instead of being straight. The window isn't symmetrical and I really like that because it's not perfect but it's unique. The third one is of the Salt Lake City city hall and it's the bottom side of one of the sides. I love how the it's round closer to me and how the building slants out in the back. I love the differing shapes. I also really like the texture of the rock and how cool it can be when you sharpen it up. If it was just plain it wouldn't have been as cool and unique. I like the reflection in the window because it would have made the picture more plain without it. The green at the bottom adds to the photo also because it creates a contrast between the green and the yellowy color of the stone.

Monday, May 11, 2009

This is a photo I found on google images and I think it's really cool but I don't know who took it. I love the feel of it that it goes on forever because you can't see the end of it and it gets thinner and thinner. I love the lines on the side and top and bottom because it makes the photo more unique and less plain. People shoot stuff like this all the time but I think it's very unique because of the lines and the light is beautiful. I love how the light comes down and is very natural and subtle but it totally adds to the photo.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I don't know who this panorama is by either but I love the color of the sky and the orange on the horizon. I love how it looks like the sky will go on forever and it feels like the sky is right above your head low. The orange color really stands out amongst all that black and purple and blue. It creates a reflection of orange and it's beautiful. The rocks in the front of the image also add to make the image more unique rather than just another sky and horizon image.

I don't know who shot this panorama but I think the perspective is really cool. It makes it look like each side is leaning in but still straight. It's a different view than if you just shot it straight down and I love the one leading line down the middle leading to the small tall thing in the far center.

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is a photo by Henri Cartier Bresson and it's cool and creepy at the same time. I love the swirling stairs. The geometric shape of it is wonderful. It's so simple, yet so strong and complex at the same time. I love how all the heads are all squished together and it gets squishier and closer as it gets higher up. If the heads aren't there then it wouldn't be as cool because it would just be like any other spiral shape that photographers take, not as cool as this. He put a unique spin on it.

What Makes a Good Photo?

To make a good photo I think emotion is really important. If you feel one way but you try to shoot another emotion then the photo will turn out bad because it's not what you really want/feel. It's more fake and it's not sincere. Every image should have an emotion when the viewer looks at it because then it's a meaningful image having some importance to it showing the photographer's feelings. Another thing that's important is the composition. If it's bad composition then the photo won't be as strong and won't have as much feeling in it. If it's a good composition, most of the time, it automatically has emotion and feeling in it. When I shoot a good image, I have this feeling in me that the image is going to be strong. I think composition is more important than emotion because composition is basically one of the big factors that makes or breaks an image. A third thing that's very important is color. If the white balance is off then the whole image looks weird and it doesn't look as clean cut and good. I learned that lesson when I didn't really care about white balance and I was always like oh that looks close enough, but it wasn't. It turned out ugly and I couldn't print some images to turn in because of this. Color is what sharpens the image and it's what enriches the image. A vibrant red can cause lots of emotion and make the image strong while a bad red doesn't show anything. It shows bad white balance and bad color.

Assignment #4- Panoramas

This is my other panorama. I finally got it to go on the blog. I don't like this one as much as my Wells Fargo building one and the construction one I shot. I like the view of this though because everything's supposed to be horizontal across but I changed it to this view because I think it's a lot cooler.